Much loved by the forward thinking British craft-brew cognoscenti, Aberdeenshire's Brew Dog has quickly risen from cocky upstart to a rising star in the British brewing industry. Their flagship brewpub in Camden has all the makings of a classic - a discreet location not far from the main carnage of Camden Town station, a clean and stylish (but, crucially, functional) layout and - count 'em - ten Brewdog beers on tap, along with a selection of other ales and a titanic 100 bottles in the fridge. The clientele are either clued-up locals or converts to what Brewdog trumpets as the 'Craft Beer' revolution and, though the brand has publicly denounced CAMRA, it's easy to see why those alienated by CAMRA's evangelism have flocked here. The beers are delicious - try the 5am Saint and Punk IPA - and though at around £4.80 a pop, are more expensive than your average pint of Fuller's, the powerful ABV (the least is 4.5% - the average hovers around 8%) and the deep flavour of each beer more than compensates. Staff are enthusiastic and knowledgeable and are always more than happy to offer recommendations and samples.