Best Musicals in London

Local Recommendations from our My Guide London team

Musicals are very popular theatre experiences, and with good reason. Go to a Musical in London and you will see that it is fun, the shows are amazing, and the music is simply mind-blowing.

When it comes to musicals in London, there are about as many of them as there are pigeons at Trafalgar Square. Advertisements for them are all over the London Underground, and peoples' reactions are always the same upon exiting a show: one of overwhelmed impressiveness and awe. Probably the three most hugely popular and successful musicals, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and Wicked can all be caught in London. And, to make your experience even more wonderful, check out some of our restaurants for the chance of a pre-theatre meal, specifically Quaglino's and Les Deux Salons.

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